Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ethos in Radiohead's "Idioteque"

Thom Yorke, lead singer and songwriter for the band Radiohead, is outspoken against climate change and has written multiple other songs in protest. This establishes credibility through the fact that Yorke is a huge activist against global warming. His song "Sail to the Moon" is a very powerful song that is also about climate change. He also wrote songs called "I Will" and "Sit Down. Stand Up." which in protest against the deaths of women and children resulting from war and genocide. "Thom Yorke would like to see the world a better place and expresses his feelings about change through his songs. In "Idioteque", Yorke describes a world in which people are too consumed by their technology to deal with global issues such as climate change and war. Yorke then reveals that the world he is describing is our world today. The song itself is very eerie, almost scaring the listener to come to their senses about global issues. It has lyrics like "We're not scaremongering; this is really happening" which basically says, "We aren't trying to scare you, this is just the way its going to be if something isn't done to stop it." Thom's credibility as a global issues activist proves that this song is accurately describing the world and that we all need to put an end to some of these issues.

1 comment:

  1. I like the connection you made among all the Thom Yorke's songs that shows he is a global warming activist. I believe this does give him credibility to the audience because the listener is convinced Thom knows all about climate change. The history of his music backs up his credibility, but is there something specific about the song "Idioteque" though that establishes ethos and makes Thom credible?
