Thursday, February 27, 2014

Logos Appeal for "Idioteque"

In the song "Idioteque", Radiohead uses many terms and ideas that lead you to believe they know exactly what they're talking about.  The opening lines of the song ask "Who's in bunker, who's in bunker?" and then precedes to telling the audience that the "Women and children [are] first".  A few stanzas later they say that the "Ice age coming, ice age coming".  The only time in American history when women and children went into bunkers and the thought of an ice age was relevant was during the times of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  These are two specific ideas that occurred during the war and only a person who really knows what was going on would know these facts.  Radiohead also uses the term "scaremongering" to describe what the public thought of scientists views on global warming.  By including this scarcely used word in their song, Radiohead is showing their audience that not only do they have a clue on what has happened in the past, but they also pay attention to what is happening in our society now.


  1. I fell like you could have explained your thought process more. I get what your trying to say but l think another line or two breaking down your thought process would have been nice. Other then that it's good :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It seems like you are jumping around a lot. Also, you say that Radiohead uses ideas that make people believe "they know exactly what they're talking about," but what exactly is that? I would go a little bit more in depth.
