Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Audience in Radioheads "Idioteque"

Protest music is not as prevalent as it was 50 years ago, but bands like Radiohead still contribute to the dissidence of modern dilemmas through song. Radiohead has a very unique sound about them that distinguishes them from other contemporary bands. This means that their audience will be a select number of people who enjoy their style of music. The song "Idioteque"sheds light upon many current issues such as global warming, technology, and war. At the time, the target audience for Radiohead is young adults to adults, probably somewhere from 25-35. Radiohead gained their fame in 1993 with their hit song "Creep" so by 2000, when "Idioteque" is released, their fan base has aged. Music had really advanced throughout the 90's so I really doubt they increased their fan base by much since their first album. Also, In 2007, the band let their listeners pay whatever they wanted for their self-released album "In Rainbows" and still turned a profit. Their audience must be loyal enough pay the band the money they thought they deserved for the album. The audience must have also been old enough to have jobs where they full comfortably shelling out some cash for their favorite band. I can't imagine a college student paying more than $5 for the album. The band's uniqueness caught the intention of the musically inclined, who could respect what the band was doing. Radiohead is originally from England so the fan base is mostly throughout Europe and the United States. Now, I believe the song itself is intended for all listeners, although the song most likely won't catch the attention of everyone because of Radiohead's eccentric style of music. So the actual audience will be the band's primary fan base. The lyrics "We're not scaremongering, this is really happening" urge listeners to come to their senses and start dealing with the issues at hand.

1 comment:

  1. Well written. And I'm particularly interested in what you allude to in your last sentence. There, you really start to get to deeper levels of audience analysis, and you start gesturing to the band's ethos. Keep it up.
